Maama Janet and I celebrated 50 years of marriage at our home in Ntungamo. I told the congregation that, having gone through very turbulent times, I concluded that if you do God’s work, God will do yours. The way we were living on account of opposing the neo-colonial regimes planted here by the imperialists, one would imagine we would not be able to have families, but in spite of the instability, we were able to have families.
I also told them to always differentiate between life and facilitation of life. Whereas other worldly things such as wealth, education, and professionalism are important, the real meaning of life is in the family and the marriage institution because it guarantees the continuity of humanity.
Maama helped me to create a family, and I am very grateful for her contribution. I salute her for bringing up the children without my presence; her contribution to the upbringing has no comparison. She did it when I wasn’t there and didn’t even know I would ever return to their lives.
I therefore thank God for my family, Maama Janet, the children and the grandchildren.